Computer engineer by day, and activist at all times, Lori Croonen has been speaking up for animals for decades. After visiting a farm as a child and being shown where the animals were killed, she immediately refused to eat animals again; she understood that killing...
Katrina Fox is an award-winning journalist, author, PR consultant, founder of, host of the Vegan Business Talk and Conversations with Vegan Women Leaders podcasts, and author of Vegan Ventures: Start and Grow an Ethical Business—the first global...
What Sharon DiGenova does for a living is as impressive as the fundraising she does for animals. She began working in production management and lighting design in 1984, and since that time she has worked in hundreds of cities in more than 35 countries around the...
Kimberly Carroll is a coach for changemakers, a campaign strategist for Animal Justice, a director at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank, and the Animal Justice Academy director, where animal activists learn the ins and outs of becoming an activist. Once a voracious...
Caring for animals in need is difficult and often heartbreaking. Those of us supporting the animal rights movement are deeply grateful that sanctuaries exist, that there’s shelter and compassion for the lucky few animals who escape testing labs, factory farming and...
Lea de Zwart is Animal Save Movement’s Country Liaison for the Netherlands and the Regional Liaison for Western Europe. Additionally, she organizes the Boxtel Pig Save and Leiden Save Square. As with all branches of the Animal Save Movement, they use a love-based...
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